Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Optimum Disposition

I'm not a pill taker. It doesn't even occur to me to take a Tylenol for an ache, pain, or, if with codeine, vacation. If my eyebrows are furrowed, and one eye is a slit, Kel might say, "It looks like you have a headache. Do you want me to get you something?" But honestly, I'm just not aware enough to know it for myself.

That's why, I think, I can be a mom of nine. I just keep plowing through, not realizing that what I deal with in a single day is quadruple what some other moms might encounter. I guess if I did stop to notice, I might get a tad bit overwhelmed.

These last few days, however, I've been feeling a little run down. My nerves feel frayed. Nothing tastes good (now, there's a big flag). There's a pressure encompassing my entire head, and it's not because I'm wearing Andy's new Optimus Prime Transformers Helmet with Activated Voice Changer, even though I bet I would look better in it. Heck, maybe I would look exactly the same in it. That's just how I'm feeling.

This is nothing new. Many moms can empathize. Your needs are set aside for the Good of the Cause. You drag yourself out of bed because life must go on. Same old, same old. But it's the Quality of life for the family members which makes me pause. And really, who wants a grumpy mom? A snippy wife?

Enough already. This sounds like complaining. I'm going to go hunt down a Sudafed, and start playing.

Finan, can you take my picture?


Anonymous said...

Know exactly how you feel. Moms are not allowed to be sick or have a bad day. We just bite the bullet even if it cracks our teeth!!! :(


Anonymous said...

You haven't been looking that bad.


Raising6inNM said...

LOL I took two benadryl and two extra strength tylenol last night right before bed...thoroughly enjoying the floating sensation as it crept down my shoulders into my fingers and finally into my feet -- I didn't even realize I was asleep until I woke up as the husband was leaving at 5:30am. Two days' headache relieved!

Anonymous said...

I hear ya'