Friday, December 17, 2010

Applause Applause

I love Facebook, if only for the opportunity to catch little snippets of people's lives.

One of my own recent status entries noted:  Andy is practicing his Christmas program songs for me this morning, and says, "MOM! We are going to sing this in front of the WHOLE school!" And he thinks about that a minute and adds, "When people clap for me, I just have to smile."

Oh, what a feeling to be applauded!

Well, that innocent sentiment stayed with me all day, and I've since thought about it several times afterward. 

I had so much anticipation the night of the program, not just for the 8th grade presentation of the Nativity, or the singing of traditional Christmas songs, or the big Flashlight Finale of "Silent Night", or even laying bets on the expected Fainter/Puker count.   

What  I really wanted was to see that smile.

When it was their turn, the little first graders entered the church, lined up in single file, hands set prayerfully in front of them.  They approached the risers, and on cue, set their hands at their sides.  The spotlight popped on, and their faces literally lit up.

During the entire first song, it looked to me like Andy was going to bust.  Kel leaned over and whispered, "He's gonna bust!"

He looked so purely and entirely HAPPY.  Down to his toes. 

Enthusiastic first graders really don't need microphones.  Like his classmates, he sang his heart out: "Rudolf the Red-Nosed Reindeer" and "O Little Town of Bethlehem".  Despite his concerns, he remembered all the words.

I know in my head that a Christmas program is really supposed to direct our attention to the birth of a Savior.  But my heart swelled because these children are given the opportunity to shine, to have their efforts appreciated, to be applauded. 

And then, even though the singers were supposed to be looking at the director, Andy quickly stole a glance at his mom and dad.

I caught it... that blurred but memorable image of a happy happy child.

And I thought,
surely this is part of what God had in mind
when He sent His Son.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Ghost Writers

Hi.  I'm Brownie.  I'm great at creating and baking and, according to Kelly, leaving messes in the kitchen.

I dropped in with Charlie at the Krenz house about a week ago, and boy have we been having fun.  Monday night we left 24 candy canes hidden all over the house.  After the big kids left for school, Rosie and Finan found most of them, and that was their breakfast.  I wouldn't mind the sticky hands as much as Kelly does.  She's a little fussy like that.

Being a handy toymaker, Charlie is really good at technology stuff too.  He can work a GPS, any Wii game, or a computer printer/scanner/ this Epson right here with the blinking green light: 

Boy, do we love this family. 

We love Brennan because he is so sincere and has lots of integrity.  We miss him when he is not around.  We love Camden because he is such a hard worker and he STILL always makes time to play.  He is such a generous person too.  We love Ally because she is so determined and focused, and she is always willing to whip up a batch of chocolate chip cookies or take us to McDonald's for sundaes.  We love Kieran because she sings us to sleep every night and she has taught us so many Broadway tunes we have never heard of before.  And boy, is she brave to perform like she does.  We love Maddie because she is so loving and so light-hearted and makes us laugh when she sings with her mouth closed or does splits on the living room wall.  Oh, she's a great leader too.  We love Merryn because she is such a terrific helper in the kitchen, and she will read us any story at any time.  She also plays Christmas music on the piano which we absolutely love.  We love Andy because he has the cutest dimpled smile and is so playful!  What a friend!  He is so good especially at setting up forts and towers.  He is also getting to be such a good reader and speller!  We love Finan because, well, there's no word for Finan except to say he is such a people-connector.  And when anyone visits it's an instant celebration and reason to party, and he just loves to serve others.  And we love Rosie because she is so sassy and she lights up the room with her big smile and sparkly eyes.

And, even though they think we are just here for the kids, we love Kel and Kelly.  We know how hard they work, and the big responsibilities they have, and, well, sometimes they just forget what the point of all this is... that the reason they have such a wonderful family is because LOVE and JOY are at the center of it. 

And we know where THAT comes from.

Hey, this has been fun!
I think I might be a real life writer if I click on this button labeled "Publish Post". 

I've always wanted to write something worth reading.

Monday, December 13, 2010

We Wait

Advent is a season of waiting.  What have you been waiting for?

Elf Updates? 
In the last few days, our elves have played Apples to Apples with stuffed animals, drew winter scenes on the TV using a brand new Wii Drawing Tablet (thanks Grammy!!!), and created an intricate zip line out of blue yarn in our kitchen.  It looked like a James Bond red laser security system. Impressive! 

Or maybe you have been waiting for snow plows? 
In the interim, a weather system brought blizzard conditions, closing area schools and making Route 66 virtually impassable.  High winds contributed to the zero visibility in the country.  Luckily, there were 5 gallons of milk in the fridge, and a new Wii Drawing tablet to occupy the kids.

I've been waiting too.
I'm sitting in a hospital anticipating news about my dad.  He's in an operating room, and has been for the last four hours.  We might be waiting six more.  And then there will be the wait at ICU for several days,  And the extensive recovery afterward.  A long haul.

I don't know where I'm going with this.

So I'll wait.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Home Movies

We've embraced the streaming technology of Netflix... movies not only delivered in two days to your front door, but also brought immediately to your TV via your computer and wireless router.

Kel signed us up for the free month trial, because we both wanted to watch Pillars of the Earth, the epic story by Ken Follet put on glorious film.  The novel itself is about 1000 pages (I read it, Kel listened to it on his Ipod), and even though I met the characters a few years ago, I STILL think about them, the amazing work they did, and the lives they led.  Now, that's a good book.

Each night, we would get the kids in bed, settle into the recliners in our Commons, and allow ourselves to be transported into another space and time.  It took about two weeks, but we watched the 8 episodes and loved every minute.  For people who rarely make time to watch television (not to mention falling asleep during the middle of it), this too was epic.

And with the approaching Christmas break around the corner, I'm actually looking forward to sitting down at the movies, often, in my own home.

Now, to find that remote again...

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Just Because

It took a minute to realize what had transpired.

Our elves skewered snowman shaped marshmallows on sticks last night, and roasted them over an open flame.... of a candy cane candle.

Hershey miniature bar wrappers, tossed willy-nilly amongst graham cracker squares, made it crystal clear:  They made s'mores.

S'mores?  On a Thursday?

I would never think to do that. 

I think to unload the dishwasher, check homework, return phone calls.  Those things have to get done.

But I appreciate how these elves operate... grabbing little delightful opportunities when they present themselves. It sure makes for joyful kids.

I bet it would make for a joyful mom.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Falling Temps

Our elves could not be located ANYWHERE this morning.  They've gone missing before, and turned up in some of the oddest places.  So, Andy looked in Christmas trees, on ceiling fans, and in refrigerator freezers.  No elves. 

Recalling that one of their adventures last year involved take-out pizza, he ran to the window.  Now, mind you, the average temperature this week has been about 4 degrees, but despite the cold, Andy ran outside... in socks and pajamas. 

There on our deck, seemingly frozen in time, were Brownie and Charlie in the midst of an ice skating party.  They had been drinking pop and hot chocolate (now also frozen in time). 

"And Mom!" exclaimed Andy, "They had the FAKE Santa with them too!!!"

Such resourceful little elves... and full of bright ideas.

Inspired, Andy is geared up to pull out the lumber and rebuild our own ice rink. 
Coincidentally, so is his dad.

I'm stocking up on hot chocolate.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Dentistry Elves

It's hard to get things completed around here at times, and plenty to distract me. 

There's a section of my kitchen countertop that regularly has a stack of papers and mail and notes that, well, just rotates papers and mail and notes. My computer desk is the same.

We had our Christmas decorations hauled out of the attic storage taunting the kids for a whole week before a tote got cracked open.  The main floor is pretty much done now, but the pint sized "kids' tree" has remained bare and lightless upstairs in our common room. 

Until last night.

Our little elves apparently made their FIRST act of mischief one of helpfulness too, covering that little tree with pretty colored lights, and.... toothbrushes??????  Perhaps the sheer quantity in this house was enough to inspire them. 

I'm just glad they didn't raid the underwear drawer.

Advent Lesson:  Who knows?  Maybe this is a reference to their friend Hermey of the Rudolf story who, despite ridicule, really really wanted to be a dentist...  "Embrace your gifts and talents." 

Or, maybe it was just for fun!

Monday, December 6, 2010

They're Baaaaaack!

We're big on traditions around here.  They help ground our family and give us shared experiences.

During the Christmas holidays, we traditionally make egg nog before we decorate the tree, read from a little Advent book each night at dinner, and share a blessing cup at prayer on Sundays when there is a new candle to light.

Some of these traditions, however, are thrust upon us, like the elves who arrive with St. Nicholas sometime in the wee hours of December 6th.

For years St. Nick has filled our shoes left under the tree with little trinkets and gold (chocolate filled) coins.  Legend says he tossed gold coins in a window to help a poor family offer marriage dowries for their three daughters, and these coins fell in stockings by the mantle.

We talk about how Nicholas, because of his love of Christ, worked tirelessly to help the needy, and how his story reminds us that we are called to follow his example of charity and generosity.

But a few years back, two little elves named Brownie and Charlie showed up with him, and they stay all season.  Supposedly their job is to report in to Santa about Krenz Kid Conduct in the weeks leading up to Christmas.  No one, after all, wants her name recorded on a Naughty List.

However, we've never really operated like this.  So, our little elves instead help us focus our attention on The Reason For The Season.  And, considering the crazy, stress-filled days of December, it's usually the parents who need the most reminding. 

Maybe that's why, on their arrival last night, the midnight guests also left us a copy of  Jim Carrey's The Grinch.  We all need the chance for a little redemption, and we need to work on a heart that has the potential to grow at least three times its original size. 

I'm expecting we are going to have a whole lot of fun along the way this Holiday season, and make some decent sized memories along with it.

Stay tuned.