Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Dentistry Elves

It's hard to get things completed around here at times, and plenty to distract me. 

There's a section of my kitchen countertop that regularly has a stack of papers and mail and notes that, well, just rotates papers and mail and notes. My computer desk is the same.

We had our Christmas decorations hauled out of the attic storage taunting the kids for a whole week before a tote got cracked open.  The main floor is pretty much done now, but the pint sized "kids' tree" has remained bare and lightless upstairs in our common room. 

Until last night.

Our little elves apparently made their FIRST act of mischief one of helpfulness too, covering that little tree with pretty colored lights, and.... toothbrushes??????  Perhaps the sheer quantity in this house was enough to inspire them. 

I'm just glad they didn't raid the underwear drawer.

Advent Lesson:  Who knows?  Maybe this is a reference to their friend Hermey of the Rudolf story who, despite ridicule, really really wanted to be a dentist...  "Embrace your gifts and talents." 

Or, maybe it was just for fun!


Anonymous said...

Speaking of gifts and talents - you do a superb job writing about your family. Even in the midst of your beautiful chaos, you're developing your talent and using it to enrich the lives of others. You may not be guiding your children directly to their gifts but you're showing them by example with your writing. Keep it up and thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

I love your Elf stories. I still remember last years. You really should think about publishing! Love ya Val