Monday, August 17, 2009

The Brown Jug

Kel and I regularly get out together, which baffles many people who can't imagine parents of 9 children EVER getting a moment alone. Ten years ago I would have understood the awe. But, we've been blessed with having our children one at a time, over a period of about two decades. The result is, of course, that the nine babies are not babies all at once. We now have "older" children who regularly provide babysitting for little to no financial compensation save the McDonald's caramel sundae Dad might bring home, or the promise of a night out of their own.

As a couple we highly value our time together, even if it's just driving in a car. Lately, though, we've been avoiding the 30 minute drive into town and staying local. Of course, this greatly reduces the evening's options. Offerings in our stoplight-less small town include Subway, McDonald's, and $1 hotdogs with fill-up... which honestly, for me, is just one step above a diaper retrieving excursion from Walmart. Recently, however, we have happened across a little local gem called The Brown Jug. It's a tavern!

The attraction for me is not the typical tavern escapades of bellying up to a bar for a few Miller Lites. I understand the bar camaraderie of meeting people and having a few beers, but I've never regarded myself as a tavern type of person. No, I go for a different reason. The Brown Jug has weekly kitchen specials, and my new hands-down favorite is the Monday night Bacon Cheeseburger basket for $3.50, "run through the garden" and with a side of fries.* Honestly, the burger is delicious and more than satisfies that "I Gotta Have A Big Hunka Protein" craving. And add it up: even with a beer it's a cheap date.

Now, those who don't know me would be very surprised to see me sitting in a bar, especially on a Monday night. It just looks bad that a mother of nine starts her week out in a location that could raise a few eyebrows. Admittedly, it's not like this is Book Discussion Night at the library. But I'm not going to try to hide my big white 15 passenger van by parking out back, because those who know me know I drink at home. (And it's not because I'm ashamed that a few bottles in my wine collection are from Aldi.) My real friends already know that I'll rarely turn down an offering of a cold beer, or two. They know I've even stretched myself to enjoy the likes of a pomegranate martini or an iced tea infused vodka. I'm quick to admit I am an imbiber.** My real friends also know I'm just too cheap to pay double the price in a bar in exchange for smokey ambiance and the marginal excitement of watching electronic dart throwers.

Now, I doubt I'll end up being a pub crawler, but it surprises even me that I have come to enjoy grabbing a beer and a bite to eat at The Brown Jug. Even better, I fully expect a few of my friends will join me. And won't they be surprised when the bartender calls me by name when we walk in the door and take a seat at my usual table! "Hey, Nooooooorrrrmmmm!"

* "With everything". Fries are 75 cents extra.
** Before my husband gets pegged as being married to a lush, keep in mind that I've had extensive pregnancy/nursing interludes, so my drinking days have been quite numbered. Someday I'll catch up.


Anonymous said...

Hope the newspaper or even the Brown Jug reads this. It might pay for some diapers!! :))


Anonymous said...

hahahahahahahahahahaha. funniest one yet.

Linda said...

Love it.......Linda :)

Anonymous said...

Well I've been there on Wednesday's for $1 beer night.. that includes bottles and cans as well!!! I have not tried Monday nights but I can tell you that the next time I plan a trip to come up I'm calling YOU!!!

hollystribe said...

Kelly, we really need to meet! We will have a couple of beers and chat! I like that you are a Miller girl. LOL I love how down to earth and real you are. That makes reading these so much fun!

Anonymous said...

menopause! That's when you and I can catch up on our cold ones at the pub with burger and fries, or cold one in the shade while children swim, play ball or ride bikes in a circular path. :o)... my personal favorites are long island ice tea and hurricanes.... I think I just like the look on acquaintances when I order one.

Anonymous said...

anonymous aka sylina

Anonymous said...

this is far better of a date than going to the hardware store!

Unknown said...

A charming anecdote. Thanks for sharing it.

I am a little surprised that you would be self-conscious about going to a tavern for a bite to eat. Do you live in a place that has a puritanical outlook -- or is this the still present remains of Catholic guilt (which, I gather, from discussions with Jewish friends, runs pretty neck-in-neck with Jewish guilt).

My wife and I have three major criteria for eating out: good food, reasonable prices, and convenience. As often as not, that means dining at one of our local taverns, which have pretty good menus. (Doesn't hurt that they also have some good porters and stouts to wash down the meal, as well!)

FWIW, you can see my own blog at http://

Anonymous said...


It's so refreshing to read your blogs! You have a talent for well as endless resources for witing material! I enjoyed the picture of Kel and the kids on the first day of school in the Leader,too!
Keep up the great work. You will be so happy in your "golden years" to be able to look back on all this!!