Saturday, July 18, 2009

The Real Vacation Packing Story

We went camping for our family vacation, and of course ended up packing more than just swimsuits and toothbrushes because of it. Despite renting two cabins, we still had to haul linens (for ten), shoes (for nine), sunscreen (for eight), recharging cords (for seven), badminton rackets (for six), five golden inner tube rings, hair thingies (for four), life vests (for three), margaritas (for two), and a porta-crib (for one). I think there is a Christmas song with a similar theme which must have originated from another overzealous Dad who had to pack up a family for vacation. We also hauled cooking supplies, including a small fridge, smaller microwave, 10 cup coffee maker, and perhaps most surprising of all, Kel's coffee grinder. (Pummeling Dunkin Donuts coffee beans with rocks and sticks is just not the same!) I won't complain about the extra appliances one bit, except to say it does not look much like camping when you back into your campsite with a U-haul. Good thing we only have a 15 passenger extended van, and really long extension cords.

Michigan was wonderful: big dunes, warm sand, lake waves, and blueberries. After the squirrel episode in our van, I half expected an ominous tone to our trip. But honestly, the three nights away were simply wonderful.


Sharon said...

So happy you all had such a good time. We enjoyed reading about it. Mom @ Dad

Raising6inNM said...

Hey you better follow me, I only got one follower so far!
Love the Camping Carol, btw!!

mom said...

keep it up, kelly. I LOVE reading these! Auntie Marcia