Monday, September 13, 2010

Jumping In

Yooohoo.  Anybody home?

Yes.  We're here... even since the end of July.  But I can't remember last week, let alone last July, so, I'm jumping in where we are.

And that happens to be up to our ears with school.

And a certain 4th grader needing help with her science homework... "single cell orgasms" (Her father, who is also helping to correct her pronunciation, adds "If only it were that easy.").

And a first grader who drew a picture full of people, and who STILL didn't have enough classtime to complete the assignment of  drawing "My Family".  I wonder how many times he had to ask permission to sharpen his pencil.  (He is the 7th Krenz for this wonderful teacher... she could accurately draw the family portrait for us).

And two giddy high schoolers scavaging archaic clothing.  It's Homecoming week, and they needed to dress in the '80s.  Torn, off the shoulder sweatshirt, fingerless leather glove, pearls, white tennies with hot pink laces, shoulder pads, tunic length sweaters, leg warmers, Big Hair...  RELAX; this was not from MY closet!  (They would not have thought this was so funny if it were from my closet).  Thank you, dear youthful Charlotte, for opening yours.

When I was wearing shoulder pads back in the day, I couldn't fathom a future with nine children, all of them ours.  I bopped along between classes listening to my cassette player.  I was as clueless as a single cell orgasm.

Still am.  Sometimes.

1 comment:

mamamia said...

Well Kelly, if you're as clueless as a single cell organism with 9 kids, then I'm completely lost!

I really enjoy reading your blog, you always make me smile!